Building for Linux

NOTE - It may be possible to get the client working for Linux 32-bit, by disabling EVMJIT and maybe other features too. We might accept pull-requests to add such support, but we will not put any of our own development time into supporting Linux 32-bit builds.

Linux has a horror-show of distro-specific packaging system steps which are the first thing which we need to do before we can start on Building from source. The sections below attempt to capture those steps. If you are using as different distro and hit issues, please let us know.

Clone the repository

To clone the source code, execute the following command:

git clone --recursive

Build on the command-line

ONLY after you have installed your dependencies (the rest of this doc!):

mkdir build                                              Make a directory for the build output
cd build                                                 Switch into that directory

cmake ..                                                 To generate a makefile.
make                                                     To build that makefile on the command-line
make -j <number>                                         (or) Execute makefile with multiple cores in parallel